Something that’s been on my To Do List forever has been to start decluttering all things digital, like Safari Bookmarks or channels I've subscribed to years ago that are no longer active or relevant. So, in my Digital Declutter this morning I spent about 30 minutes unsubscribing in YouTube and found it easier to do from a different screen than the last time I tried. Of course I didn’t get a before picture of how many channels I used to be subscribed to (ADHD don’t got time fo dat), but it was well over 300 approaching 400 a few months ago I think. I got it below 200 this morning.
Last time I was trying to unsub from the subscriptions screen in the app on my ipad mini. But it was super frustrating because the side bar would keep collapsing down and refreshing itself and defaulting back to the top of the list, meaning I would have to try to remember where I was in that long list… 🤬 😩 🧠 I gave up after 30 or so unsub's because it was just too complicated for my distractibility to handle.
This morning I tried from My Channel view, Channels tab. It was so much easier. I could see the entire channel name, and except for music artists channels, I didn’t have to leave this window to keep weeding out the irrelevant.
I feel so much better and hope the recommendations will stop being so crazy because I don’t have all those old, “no longer me” channels in my list anymore. 😅 ✅
I don’t think I would call this a Hack. I’m sure someone has already blogged or posted a video about this somewhere. But in all my hyper focused research, reading and devouring of content, I haven’t stumbled upon this particular tip. So I figured why not share it with the world, or at least my small corner of the interwebs.
Do you have any Digital Decluttering Tips? Have you been working on tidying up your Devices and Digital life? How’s the process going for you?